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Thank you for stopping by Jan McNutt Ministries home page! Our hope is that you will be encouraged and built up in the Word of God and your walk with Him!

Again, thanks for taking time to come and visit!

"Call To Me!" November 27, 2014

"They Died Well!" November 18, 2014

Ministry Update:

July 5, 2013


I have received a few emails wanting to know what is going on in my life.  Although I have been home several months from Afghanistan, I have spent this time transitioning back into the USA.  As you might know, there are things to work through when you come from a war zone and then have to instantly re-enter a normal life.  It's been a little harder than I thought it would be, but the Lord has been so good to me!


I am grateful for the time I have had to reconnect to family and friends, but it is time for me to focus on posting articles and record teachings on the website. 


There are miracles the Lord performed while I was in the Middle East that I want to share with you.  However, I will first write about the things God did that lead up to me going to Afghanistan, particularly a time frame of 150 days that transpired during 2011.  Those days were packed with life changing events and interestingly enough, by day 150, I was preparing to deploy to Afghanistan.


The series of events during the 150 days were inconceivable.  During that short period of time my mother and youngest brother passed away.  I had to close my office and put my house on the market. In the midst of the medical process for Afghanistan, which included a mammogram, a questionable cyst was found so a biopsy was performed. 


The list of events includes a lot more, but over the next couple of postings I will break them down so that you will be encouraged and amazed at the faithfulness of God.    

Please check back soon to read the details of this astonishing 150 days here on the website. You won't want to miss them!


1,000 Blessing,
